Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Project 1- Mash up

Nostalgia is a very important issue today, and I found that men didn't respect me. I returned to my roots and a place that is always special to me—Miami. I brought back a lot of experience and scar tissue and some of the colors and prints but I didn’t find it in a new shapes and proportions. I have not lost my ambition, and I make really third- rate products. Some day, I’d like to be known no matter how it turns out.

Donatella Versace:
The New York Times
Designer Genes- 12/Mar/2006

Zhang Yin:
International Herald Tribune/ Business
China’s “Queen of Trash” finds riches in waste paper- 15/Jan/2007

Steven Jobs:
The New York Times
Creating jobs- 12/Jan/1997

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